Tiny Town
Your donation will go to our scholarship fund and help support a child’s adventures in Tiny Town.

$5 or more
Add a character or thing to Tiny Town
Add a character or thing to Tiny Town
$10 or more
Get a Tiny Town digital sticker
Get a Tiny Town digital sticker
$30 or more
Get a Tiny Town digital sticker pack
Get a Tiny Town digital sticker pack
$50 or more
Join a Tiny Town episode as a character
Join a Tiny Town episode as a character
$100 or more
Go on a private adventure in Tiny Town with your loved ones
Go on a private adventure in Tiny Town with your loved ones
$150 or more
Receive an exclusive Tiny Town zine in the mail
Receive an exclusive Tiny Town zine in the mail
$200 or more
Design your own zone in Tiny Town, including the characters, stories and game mechanics
Design your own zone in Tiny Town, including the characters, stories and game mechanics
$300 or more
Design your own Tiny Town and host an event there
Design your own Tiny Town and host an event there